Use the power of digital technology to maximize the return on your branding or promotional investment

The popularity of social media and smartphones led to a dramatic shift in customer behavior, and the focus of corporate marketing activities is shifting to digital. Social media is having a big impact on customers in Japan’s market as well.

JTP specializes in marketing that uses social media such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. We use the latest digital-marketing technologies and offer operational support services. We act as a bridge between businesses and people, solve branding and promotion problems, and help you maximize the return on your investment.

JTP’s digital solutions JTP’s strengths Use cases

Why use digital marketing?


Popularity of social media

Customers spend time on social media, is getting longer day by day. In recent years, social media has become increasingly popular among all age groups not just young people. We can target the groups that our clients are interested in and expose them to effective promotions.


Use of user-generated content

The photos and stories that people post on social media are referred to as “user-generated content.” Due to people trust and identify with user-generated content, this kind of data has great potential as a marketing tool.


Spreading information

Features such as “likes” and “retweets” can dramatically extend the reach of message. We can get the maximum return on your investment by matching content to business opportunities.

JTP’s digital solutions

JTP is your one-stop shop for everything from analysis of the digital promotions what you are currently running through operational support. Due to using the plan-do-check-act cycle, we continuously enhance the effectiveness while running promotions on a stable platform.



We organize the client’s conditions and problems. We also analyze what the client is currently doing with their digital projects to see whether they are making the best use of them, and also we identify what can be done to improve effectiveness. When needed, we perform a competitive analysis and look into plans for effective promotions that improve differentiation with competitors.



Based on the analysis of current conditions, we propose an optimized solution. We can also provide a range of tools that can be used in promotions. We can even offer proposals for JTP to augment those areas that you can’t handle yourself, allowing you to focus on and leverage your strengths.



We build campaign sites using a variety of tools. Due to JTP’s wealth of knowledge and experience running promotions, we guarantee that we can build a highly optimized campaign environment quickly.



We run and support promotions. We check operational performance using analytic tools and provide results along with explanations. We use the lessons learned from those results to inform future promotions and ensure even better outcomes.

JTP’s strengths


Extensive track record

JTP has been in the digital-marketing business for a long time and has handled everything from campaigns for consumer-goods companies, automakers, and airlines, to promotions linked to TV programs, large-scale music festivals, and other events.


24/7/365 operational support

JTP has a support network that runs 24×7, to respond quickly to mission-critical needs.


Application & AI chatbot development

JTP does much more than digital marketing. A growing area is web-based chat, which companies are using to improve customer satisfaction and quickly solve customer problems. JTP can provide a chatbot powered by artificial intelligence for these web chats.



JTP has a multinational staff that can work in English, Chinese, Korean, and other languages as well. This gives us the flexibility to communicate with international marketing teams while developing campaigns that suit Japan’s market.

Use cases

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